Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Have I Been Up To Lately?

The answer to that is simply: school.  Exams are coming up, and I'm on the editorial board of our publication at school.  That has taken up a crazy amount of time, and has not left me the space to really cook up some amazing dishes.

That being said, I got a smoker.  A friend at school is moving, and he gave me his off-set smoker.  What are my thoughts?

1.  It's tricky.  A lot trickier than I had imagined.  That being said, I can smoke a piece of meat while working, so it's efficient!
2.  I'm starting to get into the whole rubs and sauces bit.  More on that later.
3.  I'm staring at an 8lb pork shoulder right now; hoping to make some pulled pork in ~4 hours!

As always, I'll keep you guys posted.  Hell month is over in a couple of weeks, and I'll have much more time to devote to my favorite past time.


  1. :) Yes I miss our conversations- You have to try Za'atar as a rub, it is amazing as I wrote in my last post...dry or wet rub is good...

    You have to check out Chris @ Nibble Me This he is a personal friend, and blog I met last summer in TN on my way down to Texas for my 30th HS reunion, yes I am that old, lol

  2. Absolutely! Have you tried any of Roellinger's spices? I look at them when I'm bored, dreaming of the flavors!
